Ludwig van Montréal : WEEK-END | Nos recommandations: concerts, bouffe et autres activités palpitantes

Par Caroline Rodgers le 15 février, 2019


On invite jeunes et moins jeunes à la librairie Drawn & Quarterly pour assister à la lecture de Angel Heart, un conte de l’auteure Cornelia Funke sur la musique de la compositrice Luna Pearl Woolf. Cette histoire a aussi fait l’objet d’un très beau livre-disque sous étiquette Pentatone. Avec le violoncelliste Matt Haimovitz et quatre de ses étudiants. Narration: Jean Marchand. C’est samedi 16 février, 17 h, chez Drawn & Quarterly, 176 rue Bernard. Page Facebook de l’événement. 

Read it at Ludwig van Montréal

Broadway World: Enter A Haunting World Of Dreams & Lullabies With ANGEL HEART: A MUSICAL STORYBOOK

By BWW News Desk December 5, 2018

Enter A Haunting World Of Dreams & Lullabies With ANGEL HEART: A MUSICAL STORYBOOK

Haunting, gentle spirits from far-flung worlds meet in the pulsing sphere of dreams and lullabies that is Angel Heart, a music storybook. With an original tale by best-selling children’s fantasy writer Cornelia Funke, Angel Heart weaves an evocative original score by Luna Pearl Woolf with beloved songs by Irving Berlin, Lennon-McCartney, Jake Heggie, Engelbert Humperdinck, Gordon Getty, and others. An affecting narration by Academy Award-winning actor Jeremy Irons layers upon intoxicating performances by singers Frederica von Stade, Daniel Taylor, Lisa Delan, and Zheng Cao – all above a rich bed of cellos, Matt Haimovitz and his Grammy-nominated ensemble Uccello.

Exquisite images by the award-winning creative studio Mirada unfold the tale, and the deluxe boxed cd-and-story package includes a coloring poster, stickers and cards for sharing the magic. Originally released in 2013, and accompanied by premiere performances in Los Angeles and at Carnegie Hall in New York, this is the first international release of Angel Heart, from the PENTATONE Oxingale series, available for digital and CD release on December 7.

Read it at Broadway World

Publishers Weekly: In Tune: Music Sparks a New Project from Cornelia Funke

Oxingale Records

September 24, 2013

What happens when a pair of music professionals set out to create a CD to share with their kids? In the case of composer Luna Pearl Woolf and soprano Lisa Delan, they enlist author Cornelia Funke, actor Jeremy Irons, and Mirada Studios to help them turn their vision into a multimedia storybook and interactive iPad app. The result is Angel Heart, a CD in mini-hardcover packaging being released September 24 by Oxingale Records. An app is set to follow in early 2014.

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